Book Consolidation & Distibution

A Classical Introduction to Galois Theory Stephen C. NewmanJohn Wiley20129781118091395 $ 74.95
A Distributed Pi-Calculus Matthew HennessyCambridge University Press20079780521873307 £ 16
A First Course in Applied Mathematics Jorge RebazaJohn Wiley20129781118229620 $ 119.95
A First Course in Probability and Markov Chains Giuseppe ModicaJohn Wiley20129781119944874 $ 85
A Game-theoretic Perspective on Coalition Formation Debraj RayOXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS20089780199207954 Rs. 1100
A Modern Theory of Random Variation With Applications in Stochastic Calculus, Financial Mathematics, and Feynman Integration Patrick MuldowneyJohn Wiley20129781118166406 $ 114.95
A Simple Guide to SPSS for Version 18.0 Lee A. KirkpatrickCengage Learning20119781111352554 $ 22
A Step-by-Step Guide to Statistics for Business Richard N. LandersSage Publications20139781446208212 £ 36.99
A Student's Guide to Data and Error Analysis Herman J. C. BerendsenCambridge University Press20119781107617100 Rs. 295
A Systemic Perspective on Cognition and Mathematics Jeffrey Yi-Lin ForrestTAYLOR & FRANCIS20139781138000162 £ 49.99
A Textbook of Matrices Hari KishanAtlantic Publishers20089788126910007 Rs. 995
A Textbook of Matrices Hari KishanAtlantic Publishers20089788126910014 Rs. 275
A Treatise on Probability, Volume 1 John Maynard KeynesAtlantic Publishers20129788126916689 Rs. 1295
A Treatise on Probability, Volume 1 John Maynard KeynesAtlantic Publishers20129788126916719 Rs. 495
A Treatise on Probability, Volume 2 John Maynard KeynesAtlantic Publishers20129788126916696 Rs. 1095
A Treatise on Probability, Volume 2 John Maynard KeynesAtlantic Publishers20129788126916726 Rs. 450
A Workbook for Differential Equations Bernd S.W. Schr÷derJohn Wiley20109780470447512 $ 83.95
Abelian Group Theory Proceedings of the Oberwolfach Conference, January 12-17, 1981 R. GobelSpringer Verlag20089783540108559 € 45.01
Absolute Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications, Volume 25 Xiaoxin LiaoSpringer Verlag20089781402084812 € 84.95
Acta Numerica 2003, Volume 12 Arieh IserlesCambridge University Press20039780521825238 £ 91
Acta Numerica 2005, Volume 14 Arieh IserlesCambridge University Press20059780521858076 £ 88
Acta Numerica 2009, Volume 18 Arieh IserlesCambridge University Press20109780521192118 £ 75
Adaptive and Multilevel Metaheuristics Carlos CottaSpringer Verlag20089783540794370 € 149.99
Adaptive Filtering: Fundamentals Of Least Mean Squares With Matlab® Poularikas,A.D.T&F20159781482253351 £ 63.99
Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS Thomas W. O'GormanJohn Wiley20129780470922255 $ 130.95

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