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15 Disturbing Things We Need to Know James A. CroneSage Publications20129781412990554 $ 30
6 Habits for Relationship Success A Western Experience for a Modern Indian Society Geoff HerridgeAtlantic Publisher20089788124801741 Rs. 375
6 Habits for Relationship Success A Western Experience for a Modern Indian Society Geoff HerridgeAtlantic Publisher20089788124801758 Rs. 150
A Brief History of Japanese Civilisation Student Text Conrad SchirokauerHoughton Mifflin20059780618915224 $ 148.95
A Changing Environment for Human Security Transformative Approaches to Research, Policy and Action Linda SygnaTaylor & Francis20129781849713016 £ 90
A Companion to Survey Research Michael OrnsteinSage Publications20139781446209097 £ 24.99
A Companion to the Anthropology of India Isabelle Clark-Dec?sJohn Wiley20119781405198929 $ 207.95
A Contemporary Introduction to Sociology Culture and Society in Transition Kenneth ThompsonParadigm Publishers20119781612050294 £ 29.95
A Cross-Cultural Theory of Voter Behavior Wojciech CwalinaTaylor & Francis20079780789027368 £ 44.99
A Cultural Approach to Interpersonal Communication Essential Readings Leila MonaghanJohn Wiley20129781444335316 $ 49.95
A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory Michael PayneJohn Wiley20139781118438817 $ 49.95
A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory Michael PayneJohn Wiley20109781405168908 $ 204.95
A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology Riall NolanJohn Wiley20139780470674598 $ 49.95
A People Stronger The Collectivization of MSM and TG groups in India Suneeta SinghSage Publications20139788132110019 Rs. 350
A Sociology of Family Life Deborah ChambersJohn Wiley20129780745647791 $ 24.95
A Winter's Journey Four Conversations with Marianne Brausch Paul VirilioSeagull Books20119781906497859 Rs. 425
A World of Insecurity Anthropological Perspectives on Human Security Thomas Hylland EriksenPluto Press20109780745329840 £ 19.99
ABC of Indian culture A Personal Padyatra of Half a Century in India Peggy HolroydeMapin Publishing20079781890206550 Rs. 595
Abnormal Psychology 15Th Edition Butcher,James N.Pearson India20139789332518988 Rs. 750.00
Abuse of Child and Childhood The Case of Kerala N.V. RaveendranAtlantic Publisher20149788126918591 Rs. 695
Advanced Social Work with Children and Families Christine CockerLearning Matters20119781844453634 £ 22.99
Advances in Visual Methodology Sarah PinkSage Publications20129780857028495 £ 29.99
Affect and Emotion A New Social Science Understanding Margaret WetherellSage Publications20129780857028570 £ 25.99
Affluence, Mobility and Second Home Ownership Chris ParisTaylor & Francis20109780415548922 £ 36.99
After the Open Society Selected Social and Political Writings Karl PopperTaylor & Francis20089780415610230 Rs. 895

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